EV260 -环境社会科学主题

Selected topics in the 环境 social sciences that are not offered as part of the regular course listings.

一个单位 — Cavin, Hautzinger


An introduction to the legal and policy issues related to food, 农业, 还有环境 in the United States; students will take a field trip to the San Luis Valley of Colorado, 他们将在哪里与农民接触, 政府代表, 政策主张, 以及该地区的其他农业利益相关者.
落基山脉州:保护当地景观 asks CC students to momentarily refocus their attention from the global to the local, and to take a closer look at 环境 struggles being waged closer to their new home in Colorado Springs.
图像和横幅图像由Abigail Censky '18.
The relations between human beings and the non-human world have never seemed so urgent or troubled as they do today. 对气候变化的担忧, 海洋酸化, 正在消失的草原和森林, 土壤枯竭, 水资源日益减少, and 环境 catastrophe fill the pages of our newspapers and flash across facebook, 推特, instagram, 以及其他大众媒体. 在全球范围内, such problems can seem so large and so vexing that they appear literally unsolvable - where individuals, 社区, or governments can’t marshal the resources to adequately address the challenges posed. 然而,, in shifting our attention from a bigger picture to a smaller one, local efforts to protect our natural environment can offer lessons that are portable and pragmatic, 甚至让. This special half-block course asks CC students to momentarily refocus their attention from the global to the local, and to take a closer look at 环境 struggles being waged closer to their new home in Colorado Springs. Run in conjunction with the State of the Rockies Program this course will take students out of the classroom and put them into the field, on the front lines of 环境 conservation efforts here on the southern end of Colorado’s Front Range. 通过研究科罗拉多州土地使用的历史, 与环保专家交谈, 参观他们正在努力保护的地方, this course will examine how we arrived at our 环境 present through a series of human choices, made within the constraints imposed by the non-human world around us. 从巍峨的山脉到广袤的草原, Colorado Springs draws countless people eager to appreciate its great natural spaces. 然而, managing those resources has been more difficult than it may seem. We invite students to join us in learning about the nearby natural landscapes, 管理和保护面临的挑战, and where we might go in shaping a more effective conservation future.


术语 Title 教练 位置 学生限制/可用 更新
2023年秋季 块3 环境社会科学专题: Anthropocene 莎拉Hautzinger 巴恩斯科学中心407 25 / 1 06/12/2024
2024年春季 块5 环境社会科学专题: Race, Racism, and the Great Outdoors 主题的细节 画Cavin 卢米斯大厅下层阶级 25 / 12 06/12/2024
2024年春季 块6 环境社会科学专题: Sustainable Development & 古代农业 主题的细节 保罗薪金作调整 阿姆斯特朗大厅230 25 / 8 06/12/2024
2024年春季 块7 环境社会科学专题: Energy Worlds: From Fossil Fuels to Renewables 主题的细节 史蒂芬施瓦茨 塔特图书馆105 25 / 0 06/12/2024
2024年春季 8块 环境社会科学专题: Water Economics 主题的细节 艾琳·萨姆纳 帕尔默大厅128 25 / 0 06/12/2024
2024年秋季 块1 环境社会科学专题: Religions, Environments, and Justice 主题的细节 稍后通知 25 / 21 06/12/2024
2024年秋季 块3 环境社会科学第一名 莎拉Hautzinger 稍后通知 25 / 21 06/12/2024
2025年春季 块5 环境社会科学专题: Race, Racism, and the Great Outdoors 主题的细节 画Cavin 稍后通知 25 / 25 06/12/2024
2025年春季 块6 环境社会科学专题: Religions, Environments, and Justice 主题的细节 稍后通知 25 / 25 06/12/2024
报告问题 - 最后更新: 06/12/2024