CP341 -计算机科学主题


先决条件: 计算机科学222,计算机科学274,计算机科学275.

一个单位 — 伯吉斯, 埃尔斯沃斯, 杰克逊, 古, Koushik, 斯科特


在这个课堂上, we will learn Ruby on Rails,同时遵循敏捷软件开发的最佳实践, 包括行为驱动设计, 和测试驱动开发. The class will end with a project where everyone will work in teams to demonstrate what they’ve learned by building a web application from scratch.

"万维网" by 安德斯·永贝里 是根据 Cc比2.0
Much of the software we use today is accessed via the web rather than being installed on our computers. 这就是所谓的软件即服务(SaaS). There are many frameworks that support SaaS and one of the most popular is Ruby on Rails.
Web编程:设计、开发 & 测试探索软件即服务(SaaS), meaning software is accessed via the web rather than being installed on our computers. 学生将学习如何在框架中导航, Ruby on Rails,同时遵循敏捷软件开发的最佳实践, 包括行为驱动设计, 和测试驱动开发.
Much of the software we use today is accessed via the web rather than being installed on our computers. 这就是所谓的软件即服务(SaaS). There are many frameworks that support SaaS and one of the most popular is Ruby on Rails. 在这个课堂上, we will learn Ruby on Rails,同时遵循敏捷软件开发的最佳实践, 包括行为驱动设计, 和测试驱动开发.
脑图图像 attributed to StackVis ™ and developed by Issac Trotts in the labs of Edward G. 琼斯.
计算机科学主题:机器学习, students will think about how computers can be programmed to learn and improve from past experiences. Allowing students to build complex systems that are flexible and superior to rigid, 手工制作的项目, the class will learn algorithms and work on a variety of projects including: programs that automatically write other programs themselves, 用于驾驶机器人汽车沿轨迹行驶的视觉处理程序, board game-playing programs that improve by playing hundreds of thousands of games against themselves, 还有一个生成自然语言文本的程序.


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报告问题 - 最后更新: 06/11/2024