AN208 -人类学主题:

Courses taught occasionally by visiting or permanent faculty; topics will vary and may be thematically or geographically focused

一个单位 — Chandrani, Khan


西南文化天文学 investigates the diversity of ways both ancient and modern peoples integrate celestial objects into their worldview.
美国西南部的天空.S. 是用来计时的吗, 艺术的灵感, 仪式中的形象, 也是科学研究的焦点. 文化天文学, 天文学对过去和现在的天文系统的研究, 从事天文学, 人类学, and archaeology and requires us to think and integrate ideas and data from a variety of academic disciplines. We will learn the standard astronomical model: the motion of the “fixed stars,行星, 月亮和太阳. We will consider the meaning and influence of the movement of these celestial objects on ourselves and the past and present peoples of the Southwest. 我们将计算一些东西, use planetarium software to "see" the sky as it was seen at Chaco Canyon around 1100 CE, and learn from Bernard Second of the Mescalero Apache tribe, 哥白尼, 牛顿, 和其他人. 我们还将研究天文学之间的关系, 岩石艺术, 仪式, 口头叙述, 社会模式, 以及信仰体系. A central theme of the course is “how do we know what we know?以及“为什么这很重要??”
全球健康:生物社会观点 explores global health from medical anthropologic and public health perspectives. 学生 will examine a variety of cases in order to understand the biological, 社会, and 文化 factors that determine health and well-being.
埃博拉病毒, 救灾, 心理健康, 人口老龄化, and primary health care are key issues in a world where diseases cross borders rapidly, 但医疗资源可能不会. This course introduces students to the dynamic, complex field of global health. 本课程探讨全球健康状况的改善, 卫生不公平现象, 殖民医学的遗产, and 社会 justice in health from the perspectives of medical 人类学 and public health. 借鉴全球各地的案例, 来自富国和穷国, from nations with well-functioning health systems and those struggling to meet people’s basic health care needs we will explore the biological, 社会, and 文化 factors that determine health and well-being.


术语 Title 教练 位置 学生限制/可用 更新
2023年秋季 块3 人类学主题:另一个俄罗斯 主题的细节 纳塔莉亚汗 阿姆斯特朗大厅302 25 / 13 06/16/2024
2024年春季 块5 人类学主题:殖民主义 & 宗教 主题的细节 优Chandrani 阿姆斯特朗大厅230 25 / 8 06/16/2024
2024年春季 块5 人类学主题: Introduction to Classical Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management 主题的细节 保罗薪金作调整 塔特图书馆105 25 / 2 06/16/2024
2024年春季 块7 人类学主题: Energy Worlds: From Fossil Fuels to Renewables 主题的细节 史蒂芬施瓦茨 塔特图书馆105 25 / 0 06/16/2024
2024年秋季 块2 人类学主题:宗教人类学 优Chandrani 稍后通知 25 / 14 06/16/2024
2024年秋季 块3 人类学主题:另一个俄罗斯 主题的细节 纳塔莉亚汗 稍后通知 25 / 20 06/16/2024
报告问题 - 最后更新: 06/16/2024